My First Blog Post and FIRST Interview (Exciting!!!)

Thank you for visiting Silver Lining Soaps! In this post you will find out how Silver Lining Soap began, who is behind it and what's to come.

I should preface why this post is super special and a huge deal. I was interviewed by the soap-making guru, Amanda Aaron of Lovin' Soap .  She's the soap-making guru behind the (soap-making website) and blog dedicated to teaching everything you could ever want to know about soap which she manages and runs with her husband, Benjamin. It is not only an excellent source of info through blog posts for everything soap, but it also offers a great selection of eBooks and classes on soap making. Tons of tutorials for free and a lot of great tips presented in a friendly and approachable way. Check out her blog Lovin' Soap and also read the interview she did with me, the creator of Silver Lining soap to find out how this began and what's next...


Halloween Soap: Scary Melt and Pour Creations!